Tag: translation

I Suddenly Thought of Your Face

I Suddenly Thought of Your Face

[Bricoleur is the pen name of an anthropologist and blogger who also goes by the pseudonym, Ma De-wa. A frequent contributor to the anthropology group blog published in Taiwan, guavanthropology, Bricoleur is also a photographer and a connoisseur of bad puns. They are currently collecting a list of media personalities who have a degree in anthropology. As is the practice on guavanthropology.tw, they contribute to the group blog without revealing their identity. I have followed that practice in my translation {+}

Illustrated Man #11 – (H)afrocentric

Illustrated Man #11 – (H)afrocentric

Re-spawn. Its been on since dawn. Illustrated Man check your king with a pawn. Don’t know where but I send ’em Make my posts now on Anthrodendum Hey, ya’ll its been a minute but now I’m back with another installment of Illustrated Man, my semi-irregular series where I discuss comic books and illustration from an anthropologist’s point of view. I had ten posts at our old place Savage Minds, now here’s my first in our new home. We’re starting things {+}